M Nathan Robinson
M. Nathan Robinson
Comedy Writer Extraordinaire (spoken with ostentatious Parisian accent)
People who tell me they're funny instead of proving it.
Red Snapper
EDUCATION: (in chronological order)
Lawn Fall Pre-School in Radnor, PAÂ (Sept 1974 - Mid-Sept 1974)
Discontinued due to crying fits and tantrums.
Lafayette Elementary in Ventnor, NJÂ (1975-1979)
Learned how to get slammed to the ground and not get back up.
Also learned that school nurses lie about things not hurting.
St Georges High School in Montreal, Quebec (1984-1989)
Learned to hide my ADD and that Canadian History class only exacerbated the problem.
Marianopolis College in Montreal, Quebec (1989-1991)
Learned that a Liberal Arts education provides a straight path to fame and fortune.
McGill University in Montreal, Quebec (1991-1993)
Learned that a Liberal Arts education provides a straight path to unemployment.
Work History
Marketing Guy (1993-2022)
Self-published novel (2021) - RIFT
RIFT is a semi-autobiographical story about time-travel, reincarnation, and the revealed secrets of the universe.Countless (about ninety-seven) published humor shorts mostly on the Medium platform.
Published on Muddyum, Slackjaw, Frazzled, Wit Craft, Funny, Inc, and Points in Case.
Why Choose Me As An Editor?
I'm glad you asked. I'm funny and I can write. I've been writing copy for over thirty-five years, but turned to humor exclusively in 2023. I retired from the marketing biz after twenty years running my own company, Mainline Media, in suburban PA. Aside from my many satisfied clients, my company's biggest claim to fame was being repeatedly confused by the IRS for Mainline Media Publications which apparently owes them a shit-ton of back-taxes. After starting my first novel in 2015, I've educated myself in creative writing by reading every book and watching every friggin' video by everyone who claims to have any wisdom to share about the craft. It is my conclusion that all their advice cancels out and we're on our own to find our voice and process.
My expertise stems from a life lived. The breadth of my experiences, circumstances, interests, and travels is so wide and deep, I've even had enough time to settle on "reclusive homebody" as my favorite state. I'm particularly versed in dysfunction and existential dread, but round that out nicely with material on office dramas, political commentary, sports parody, parenting woes, marital blisters, and suburban drudgery.
A Typical Day:
Wake up, shower, brush teeth, and then find anything to distract me from working on my next novel. This usually has me latching onto some stupid, random notion which I spend the better part of the next three days turning into a short humor piece.